tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.


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    Introduction to iiRDS

    Logo von iiRDS Intelligent Information Request and Delivery Standard
    Ulrike Parson

    iiRDS stands for intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard. This standard provides a uniform package format and a metadata vocabulary to deliver technical documentation content to systems...


    Software Documentation ,Career

    Building a Quality Culture for Software Documentation

    Technischer Redakteur vor dem Computer_Aufnahme von hinten
    Monica Chis

    For the creation and delivery of high-quality software products or applications, a strong quality culture for software development and quality-oriented teams are required. 
    Documentation is essential...


    Software Documentation ,Technical Writing

    The Adventure of a Tech Writer in the Software Universe

    Technischer Redakteur vor dem Computer_Aufnahme von hinten
    Maria Nedelcu

    "The Adventure of a Tech Writer in the Software Universe", the topic of the upcoming tekom Romania webinar dedicated to students, is held by Maria Nedelcu, will take place on May 19th (2-3 p.m., EET)...


    Ask the Expert

    Ask the Expert: Team Culture and Motivation in Technical Writing Teams

    Kai Weber

    Fostering good team culture and motivation in a team of technical writers can be tricky. Some teams are distributed or not even a formal team. Some teams are not embedded well in development or...



    Crowd translation on GitHub - the Workflow of Open Source Crowdsourcing Translation with Github and OmegaT

    Yaxing Li

    Crowd translation allows people from all around the world to freely participate in translation projects. You can use GitHub (a provider of hosting for software development and version control using...


    Technical Writing

    Sentiment analysis of technical writing and the language sector

    Technischer Redakteur vor dem Computer_Aufnahme von hinten
    Kevin De Coninck ,Dries Debackere

    How do people feel about languages and the language sector in general and technical writing in particular? We can answer these questions by means of sentiment analysis. Based on the results, we can...


    Intelligent Information

    Kickstarting the Digital Twin with iiRDS

    Harald Stadlbauer

    iiRDS is the standard that enables dynamic information request and delivery in the era of the Industrial Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0, and the context of Smart Factories. Please find more...


    Software Documentation

    Documentation in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    Monica Chis

    Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an enterprise-scale development framework, developed by methodologist Dean Leffingwell. It uses a combination of existing lean and agile principles which are combined...


    Software Documentation

    Defining the meaning of quality in documentation – a research recap

    Jordan Stanchev

    What is actually “high-quality documentation”? Does it mean you have no spelling mistakes? Or that the documentation is correct? Or something else? What do technical writers understand when they speak...


    Software Documentation

    Product overviews vs. getting started tutorials - striking a balance between read-first and try-first user behaviors

    Tom Johnson

    This presentation focuses on balancing action with narration: How to find the right balance between action-oriented task writing and big picture narrative product overviews — both of which seem to be...
